Night Guards

Michigan Avenue Dentist

Unconscious grinding of the teeth during sleep is a condition known as bruxism. If you are grinding your teeth in your sleep most nights, you should contact our office for a night guard.

A night guard is a removable dental appliance that is similar to an athletic mouth guard. It provides a barrier between your top and bottom teeth to protect them while you sleep.

Dr. Carole Landman will custom fit your night guard to ensure your comfort and safety. Night guards can protect your teeth from wear, gum irritation, enamel damage, and jaw pain.

At your appointment, Dr. Carole Landman will discuss other ways to help reduce or eliminate night grinding. This may include avoiding chewing gum, alcohol, and caffeine, as these increase the risks of grinding.

If you suspect you may have issues with teeth grinding, contact our office for an appointment.

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Our Location

737 N Michigan Avenue Suite 610 Chicago, IL 60611

737 N Michigan Avenue Suite 610 Chicago, IL 60611

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312-266-6480 Office@Landmandental.com

312-266-6480 Office@Landmandental.com